Image scraping support added!
Update for the API today, as from now on, images will also be able to be scraped using the API. Supported image extensions are: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .jpe, .webp You can pass the image URL directly in the API call and the response will contain the raw image content. Give it a try …. Read More
Transforming one web page into $1 bn of market-moving insights
We all know the web contains valuable information, but the untapped potential of information that is out there, but not structured or used correctly, is enormous. Any doubts about that statement were put to rest recently when a web-data firm, Selerity, uncovered Twitter’s Q1 earnings results about an hour before the scheduled release. Twitter’s stock …. Read More
What Is Website Scraping?
An Introduction To Website Scraping Web scraping (also called web harvesting or web data extraction) is a computer software technique of extracting information from websites. Usually, such software programs simulate human exploration of the World Wide Web by either implementing low-level Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP), or embedding a fully-fledged web browser, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Web scraping is closely related to web indexing, which indexes information on …. Read More